Η Volkswagen δίνει bonus €3.950 στους υπαλλήλους της

Με τα υψηλόβαθμα στελέχη της Volkswagen να αποζημιώνονται καλά για το 2015, μια χρονιά που σημαδεύτηκε από το Dieselgate και τις περικοπές που ανακοίνωσε η γερμανική εταιρία, και οι υπάλληλοι της θα πάρουν μπόνους.

Αυτό δεν θα φτάσει τα 5.900 ευρώ του 2015, αλλά τα 3.950 ευρώ. Το bonus θα το πάρουν όλοι οι εργαζόμενοι της Volkswagen που καλύπτονται

από τη συλλογική σύμβαση εργασίας, με τα 1.545 ευρώ να τα έχουν ήδη πάρει από τα τέλη του περασμένου Νοέμβρη.

Δελτίο Τύπου

Volkswagen to pay profit share of €3,950 to employees covered by collective bargaining agreement

Board Member for HR, Dr. Blessing, praises joint efforts in difficult yearWorks Council Chairman Osterloh: team performance pays off

Volkswagen AG employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement are to receive a profit share of €3,950 gross for fiscal year 2015. This figure was agreed during negotiations between the Works Council chairpersons from the Brunswick, Emden, Hanover, Kassel, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg plants, and the Volkswagen Board of Management. The profit share is based on an adjustment of the collective bargaining agreement with IG Metall. The profit share will in future be calculated based on a two-year period.

Volkswagen Board Member for Human Resources, Dr. Karlheinz Blessing, said: “Volkswagen employees produced a very good team performance last year despite the difficult situation. Their strong commitment deserves to be acknowledged and is now being recognized in the form of this profit share, which is also a clear signal that the Board of Management and the Works Council will tackle the difficult challenges together.”

The General Works Council Chairman, Bernd Osterloh, commented: “Employees at our plants worked under high pressure last year. The situation was characterized by special shifts and overtime. Our employees demonstrated their firm commitment to the company, even in difficult times. That is why the Board of Management and the Works Council are convinced that they deserve this profit share. As expected, Matthias Müller proved to be a fair negotiating partner.”

Note to editors: The figure of €3,950 is a gross figure. An advance amounting to €1,545 gross was already paid at the end of last November.

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